Friday, October 22
My dogs are barkin', but mostly my knees don't work quite right
We walked A LOT yesterday. About 10 stops on the subway's worth. And then some. Partly because we're too cheap to ride the train, and partly because it's fun to explore. On this particular expedition we passed through what appeared to be Osaka's toy and Christmas decoration district. Just about every store we passed was selling one or the other. Eventually we made it to Den Den Town where we spent quite a bit of time looking at fancy cellular phones and staring blankly at any sales staff that asked us questions in Japanese. Unfortunately we forgot Ty's camera, which is a very useful information gathering tool. So we kinda browsed around and wrote a few things down, but we knew that we'd have to make another trip.Also in Den Den, but almost entirely unrelated to electronics, we at at Mister Donut (a uniquely Japanese Chain). I guess their big thing is a teething-ring-shaped donut that they call a "pon". I have no idea what that name is supposed to mean, but the donut itself is second only to Krispy Kreme in terms of melt-in-your-mouth goodness. Mister Donut also serves a lot of dim sum type snacks. It's an interesting combination. One you'd probably only find in Japan. Or maybe Holland. They're weird there.

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