Monday, November 22
Look At All Our Mutant Children
I haven't blogged all that much lately. I don't have any good excuse, either. I haven't been playing Halo 2, or a DS or anything like that. Instead, I've been applying for jobs. Jorbs. JayRobs. You know, for to stem slightly this money hemorrhage we've got going on over here.And interviews take a good deal of effort. For one, I have to pay attention to my hair.
For B I have to wear a suit. Me in a suit is much like a Japanese person dressed up like a cowboy. These things happen, but there is no photographic proof. You just have to take it on faith.
Anyhoo, I've had a few interviews. I've duded myself up, I've tamed my hair, and I've smiled till my face near cracked. I've been witty, charming, gracious, and well spoken. All my interviewers have said as much. They have also said that they would love to hire me. They all have also said that they are going to hire a woman instead. Except for that one place. They wanted me to start as soon as possible. But that was a low paying job. And I'd have to change diapers. Not baby diapers. Any job that doesn't involve doo-doo seems to be earmarked for ladies. It's not fair man. Understandable, but fair. You see, there are a lot of guys over here. White guys. Ain't most of 'em lookers. Almost all of them with pretty Japanese girlfriends.
Most of the adult Japanese who are taking English classes are men, and they would rather practice talking with girls. Makes sense. But it makes it harder on me. But enough of me complaining.
At the supermarket, or su-pa in Japanese, we go to near here there is an old man. We've seen him every time we've been there. He is bent in half at the waist. He shuffles about the supa, picking stuff off the middle shelves and putting it in his basket. I'm not at all joking. I would have to sit cross legged on the ground in order to look him in the eye. I have no idea how he gets stuff off the top shelf. Kinda sad, really.
And yeah, there is a great gap in size between the generations here. The kids today all eat the meat. Back in the day, the grandparents didn't eat meat so much. The old people here, about 80 percent don't even make it up to past my ribs.

There was other stuff I wanted to touch on during this disjointed rambling, but I forget it. The only thing left to mention is that "Hit Me Baby One More Time" is a fantastic karaoke song.
I felt dirty just writing that, but it's true.

I guess I can also mention that Carla and I saw Shrek 2. It was better than the first. I was surprised at how much Carla laughed at it. Until the Far Far Away Idol part. That ruined it a little.
Tyler in a suit and Japanese cowboys. It is a land of mystery and wonder. That's two pictures I want. However, I suspect that they will both be as "high quality" as those of bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster.
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