Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, November 23

Hey Y'all

We ain't in Kanazawa no more. Ain't been there for a while. We've done some stuff. Just the other day, I added some pictures to the Himejimazing post. That didn't work out so well.

Last night, we were all supposed to go out clubbing to celebrate Yusuke's birthday. But I felt like I had molten barbed wire in my nasal cavity, so Carla and I bowed out. Ben had something sudden and explosive happen to his innards. And Kishen had to play ball at 9 this morning. We all felt really bad. We're going out for dinner with him tonight.

Thursday, November 2


We're in Kanazawa right now. It's about 3 hours north of Osaka. It has a nice park. And scary spiders and bad lunchtime music. We've taken a boatload of pictures. We'll post a few when we can.
