Thursday, June 25
A Re-Begining-ing
It has almost been a year since we last posted. It has been a little over a year since we left the supreme awesome-ness that is Japan.We miss it so.
But back to my point: it's been a year. So where the hell is the video? I had a video camera over there. I shot stuff. Lots of stuff. So where is it?
Hopefully here. Hopefully soon. I post this now because it is easy. I will work my way up to stuff that I actually need to edit and set to music and such.
I miss the holy heck out of combinis. They were almost always full of new and interesting things. Some good, some bad. Some mind breakingly weird. Like Green Tea Coke or Soy Sauce Pepsi. Those are two things out there, right now, in Japan. And I have no way of punishing my body with them. It makes me sad.
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