Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, January 22

The Begining of the End

Last night was one of Jon's last nights in Japan. It was also his last gig in Japan. It was also his first gig in Japan. I didn't even know the dude was in a band.

But he was. In a band. We saw said band last night. Georgie Boys they were called. It was an interesting show. Jon was the only white guy in the band. They sang mainly cover songs, there was one original song in their set, but Jon didn't do the singing. Yoshi, Ben and Jon's roommate, did the vocals.

Jon was standing off to the side, just doing his own thing. The rest of the band was clumped together, jamming. Yoshi didn't know some of the words.

I didn't have my camera, of course.

But it was a good time.

Might meet up with Jon again in London.

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