Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, April 23

Tick Tock

Now that I'm done work, I have all this time to blog and to do interesting things to blog about. I've been doing the things but not doing the blogging. I'm just sitting here, waiting for the fridge to defrost so let us get to it.

Let's do a bit of catching up, shall we? My last week of work was...

Our apartment was filled with flowers by the end of it. I have boxes of gifts. I have several photo albums. It was intense. I was crying, the kids were crying, the parents were crying. I even saw my boss crying, that one freaked me out a little.

Now that I no longer work on Tuesday nights, I am free to go see K-106 every week. Which I do. I had forgotten how awesome they are. They are so, so awesome.

We went and mi'd some hanas. (looked at cherry blossoms) We saw a lot of blossoms. We saw them in Arashiyama and in Takarazuka and in Osakako and in Wakayama. There was also a fair bit of drinking involved.

Ben and I finally got to play Rock Band. With the Marinator.

We went to ninja town. Saw a lot of ninja related stuff. And a lady walking around with a tiny owl on her arm.


Thursday, April 17

Not quite like a passing freight train

We just had a little earthquake. First one I've noticed in quite a while. Woo hoo!