Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Sunday, April 4

Another Video!

It only took four months, or two and a half years, depending on how you look at it, but another one is done.

And I'm going to try to have at least two more done by the end of this month.


Friday, December 25

Day 1: Video

So I took a lot of video during our farewell tour of Japan. A lot. Most of it absolute crap. But Even crap looks less crap if you know how to edit. Which I do not.

So here is some crap slapped together and set to music. This is a recap of our first day. In Miyazaki.

It turned out better than I was expecting but worse than I would like.

Friday, November 27

This Is Where We Used To Live

Before we left the country, we did a little tour of the apartment, so we wouldn't forget it. It was long and boring, so I shortened it. It is still boring, but so is this blog, so it all works out.

I also took some video of our awesome neighbourhood, but the video wasn't near as awesome as the 'hood. Shaky and fairly crap. So I didn't do anything with that video. And you've seen some of the video I've posted, it was beneath even my standards.

But that uses up all the easy stuff; the apartment tour, the wacky food adventures.

The stuff that is left now is the stuff that I will have to edit.


Wish me luck.

Thursday, July 9

Another Video From Japan

One of my regrets from our stay in Japan was when I missed Kishen's birthday in Ninja town.

I never did make it to that ninja town, but I did make it to another. Iga was, so they say, a ninja village. Full of ninja-y goodness. If it wasn't before, it is now. Ninja houses full of weapons and hide-y holes and such. With stage shows and a museum and other assorted goodness.

Food-y goodness. Delicious meat cooked right in front of you. And awesome local beer.

And, of course, the rare and elusive ninja bento.

Thursday, June 25

A Re-Begining-ing

It has almost been a year since we last posted. It has been a little over a year since we left the supreme awesome-ness that is Japan.

We miss it so.

But back to my point: it's been a year. So where the hell is the video? I had a video camera over there. I shot stuff. Lots of stuff. So where is it?

Hopefully here. Hopefully soon. I post this now because it is easy. I will work my way up to stuff that I actually need to edit and set to music and such.

I miss the holy heck out of combinis. They were almost always full of new and interesting things. Some good, some bad. Some mind breakingly weird. Like Green Tea Coke or Soy Sauce Pepsi. Those are two things out there, right now, in Japan. And I have no way of punishing my body with them. It makes me sad.

Friday, June 27

Day Today: Pictures Later


Thursday, June 26

Day the Rest of Our Lives: Canada

This will not be broken up into days, because this is a blog about our adventures in Japan and seeing as we are no longer in Japan this log is pretty much done but Japan is in us now. So if Japan is always in us now, then we will always be in it. Or maybe not, I didn't pay too much attention during my logic classes.

But these are our thoughts as fresh off the plane re-inductees into Canadian life. Saskatchewanian life.

Dear god this place is big and flat. The sky goes on forever, there is a depth to everything that we had forgotten about.

The nights are colder than I remember. Not cold. But an overshirt is never a bad idea.

Lumsden beach is still one of my favourite places in the world.

The food is big in size and flavour (except for airport food, the most money I've ever paid for the least flavour), the beer is better than we remember.

Umeshu is loved by everyone.

Nathan and Crystal's wedding was a great. And a great way to get re-acclimated. Perogies! Caesars! Country and Western music! (seriously? Honky Tonk Badonkadonk? Really?) If someone could somehow harness Crystal's energy we would never ever have an energy crisis ever again. That girl is amazing!

Our tiny Japanese stomachs took way less time adjusting to North American serving sizes than we would have liked.

Puppies are cute.

Puppies are not cute when they pee all over the place.

We've seen hot, still days (perfect for a wedding on a beach), thunderstorms, driving rain, beautiful sunsets, lovely sunrises and all sorts of other weather. None of it sticky.

Less than a week in and I've already been visited by folks wanting to help me better understand the bible (It is never the bible though, it is their bible). They never give me a satisfactory answer vis a vis their policy on zombies.

A note to the people in Japan: I have a copy of Rock Band for PS3. I just need to get a PS3 now.

Pop music is so much better when you can't understand the lyrics.