Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, September 30

First Full Day, Mainly Spent Sleeping

Nothing like Japanese television in the morning to wake you up. I’m not sure it will make any sense, even after we can speak the language.

We didn’t really get up to much today. I don’t know about Carla, but my brain was overwhelmed.

Our one goal for today was to get registered as aliens. It turns out that we should find a place to live first, as any time we move, we have to re-register. So instead of getting anything done, we returned to our teeny, tiny room and took a nap. You’re all like, “That’s a bad idea. JET LAG!” I’d have to agree. The nap took longer than anticipated. Then again, that always happened when I napped at home.

Some observations: the McDonalds here don’t seem to stink. The Subways (where fresh is the taste) here have weird stuff on their sandwiches. Curry for breakfast is good. Jerry would like it here, there are cigarette vending machines on almost every street. Ry would like it here because there are almost as many beer vending machines. Also, there are cigarette burns all over the place, but you never see any butts. Didn’t see a lot of litter around either. A lot of places had displays full of goods outside of their establishments, with no one watching after them. Theft doesn’t seem to be that big a problem here. I didn’t ever not want to eat. There is cheap food everywhere. Contrary to what I heard, Western food does not cost an arm and a leg. Melon buns (or melon bread) tastes yummy, even though I don’t like melons.

When Japanese people talk to us in their native tongue, we usually don’t understand them. I look at Carla, she smiles and blushes and we apologize. Sumimasen means sorry.

Also, pachinko parlours are very loud, and there are very risque games in the arcades here.

I’m sure there’s more, but it escapes me right now. Plus, there’s still a fair bit of day left to go. It gets dark early here, even earlier than over there, so do me a favour and tell Bob Hughes to shut his yap.

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