Sunday, October 24
Hooray! We got our phone! It's this one! So far we haven't figured out how to do much with it, but it's still pretty cool. We also found a way to call home without paying exorbitant Japanese airtime and long distance rates. It's called Skype, and it works over the internet. So far we've had pretty good luck with it. The sound quality is as good as a regular phone, or better. We pay a pretty low rate to call regular phones, but if you want to install it on your own computer, we can talk to each other for free. Just install the software, then use this link:

And for those of you worried about our nutritional intake, you'll be happy to know that we found a grocery store that sells cheaper produce and slightly more reasonably priced rice. It's in Den Den Town. That place has everything. It takes about an hour to walk there, and then an hour back, but I guess it's good exercise. Or really inefficient, depending on how you look at it.

Judging by the subway ride to get there and the drive home again, I would have thought that the area we were in was fairly far away from where we live. But after looking at our map this morning, we discovered that we were only a few blocks north of Den Den Town. We totally could have walked home. Guess we still haven't done enough exploring. Or maybe we should never go out without a map. And a compass.
And I guess some of you may have heard that there was an earthquake here in Japan on Saturday. We didn't even notice. One of the girls we were out with got a worried call from Canada while we were in the izakaya, and we saw damage reports all over the news when we got home, but we didn't feel a thing at the time. So far we've been pretty lucky. Everyone keep your fingers crossed, because I think I just jinxed us.
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