Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, November 23

Also, we saw a fat guy in overalls

So there was another national holiday in Japan today (they have two in November) but it took us a while to notice because we didn't set foot outside until around 6:00 PM. The only reason we did, really, was to patronize a local bar offering cheap food & drinks in honour of said holiday. I think it's National Labour Thanksgiving Day or something to that effect. No turkey. It's not that kind of holiday. The bar had yummy burgers, though. Well, kinda yummy. The beef was weird, but the toppings were divine. Best (or only) dill pickle I've had in months. And the cheese, though processed, was rather nice. The bacon, though not quite "bacon" was tasty. The whole thing was messy. I heartily approve.

There were A LOT of foreigners in there tonight. (Probably every night, but this is the first time we've been there.) All those people speaking English without a Japanese accent made us feel somehow out of place. It was odd. But much more affordable than a birthday celebration, so there you go.

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