Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, June 28


I seriously need to weigh myself. I know that I have lost weight, all my clothes are telling me so, but I want to see if Costco is going to plump me back up. Saw a fair few fat white people in the Costco. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Our Sunday was interesting. We went into town to buy an air conditioner. We didn't end up buying one. Instead we met Ben at The Hub for some happy hour drinks.

Happy hour ended and we were going to leave soon when a Japanese gentleman brought a round of Coronas to our table. We thanked him and joined him at his table, it was the polite thing to do. In retrospect, maybe not the best course of action. He would not stop buying us drinks. He had lived in Canada for a while, Kimberly to be specific, and was keen to speak some English. The girls at his table mainly just giggled.

Have I mentioned that he just kept buying drinks? Because he did. There were some shots in there. Some tequila. A shot of gin. I don't know why. I also don't know for sure how the evening ended. I woke up in my own bed the next day, so that was nice. I was still drunk, which was less so.

We did manage to buy an air conditioner on Monday. It will be installed this weekend. Looking forward to that. Just a few more bits and pieces and our apartment will be all set.

Come and visit if you like.

There's a really good Korean place like a minute's walk from our door.

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