Thursday, June 9
Figured I should fill you in a little more about my job. I work in Settsumotoyama. I know you've heard all the rumours. And I'm here to tell you that most of them are true. Yes, it is an area of town with a lot of money. Near everyone in Settsumotoyama looks and smells great. The streets are all clean, there's tonnes of pricey restaurants selling delicious foods; it's all quite nice.And yes, one of the drawbacks is the wild boars (or is the plural of boar still boar?). To be fair, they have posted signs.

Which they didn't need to do. I mean, they have their hands pretty full all ready, what with the rabid crab epidemic.

Today at work was... meh. I got drooled on. I saw it coming too. But I couldn't move, as I was pinned down by three two year olds. I just laughed it off. What else could I do? I mean, they're two years old! And they're learning English! Man, Sesame Street was way over my head when I was two. I didn't laugh so much when they started breaking off pieces of the whiteboard and jabbing me with said pieces.
Back to the boars and crabs, the warning signs are all posted along the canals. There are numerous canals in Settsumotoyama. Here is what they look like.

Not all that exciting, I know, but please keep in mind that Japan is not a big country. It needs all the space it can get. So all that canal space must be necessary on a regular basis. Those canals ain't small. Rainy season is coming soon. I'm a little worried. There's going to be a lot of water involved.

This is an arty shot I took whilst avoiding crabs and boars. I always find time for art.

Wanna see lotsa bikes? Come to Japan.
And now, as a special treat, here is some Engrish:

I used this restroom. Someone totally checked my goods.

Just curious, what makes for a bad entry? This is not me being offended, I'm seriously just curious. What's another word for curious? Am I even spelling curious right?
I'm not saying that your other entries are bad... but this one was particularly good.
A bad entry would be one that's more than two paragraphs long, doesn't include anything insightful about Japan, and isn't funny.
If a lot happened one day, divide it into two or three blogs entries. Blog entries should be bite sized morsels.
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A bad entry would be one that's more than two paragraphs long, doesn't include anything insightful about Japan, and isn't funny.
If a lot happened one day, divide it into two or three blogs entries. Blog entries should be bite sized morsels.