Monday, October 10
Beer and Meat
We've been here over a year. So now things are starting to repeat. For the second year in a row, we went off to the International Beer Festival.
But first we bought a bed. The futon just isn't cutting it anymore. I haven't had a full night's sleep in a couple months now. Carla tells me I've been kinda cranky lately. That's because I've been very cranky for a while now. Hopefully the new bed we bought will fix all that. It's nice. We don't have a frame yet, cuz we bought tickets to Canada. So: new bed!
On our way to and from the store where we bought the mattress, we saw small parades. Each time it was a single, smallish wooden float pulled by a not all that large group of people. With the requisite drumming and clanging. It was interesting to watch. Especially the first float, as it was pulled mainly by small children. Small, chanting children. It was SO CUTE!

The Beer Festival was fun. We drank lots of beer from lots of countries. Some of it was good. Some of it was bad. Some of it was really bad. The banana beer was bad. The beer that tasted like a smokey in a bottle was... it took me a while to finish. But then I kept on drinking. I'm a trooper.

A stupid trooper. I say stupid, you see, because I sometimes do stupid things all the time. Like after the beer festival? We went out for yakiniku. We ordered lots and lots and LOTS of meat. So much meat. There is still a substantial amount of meat in my system. It was good. There was a fair amount of pork cooked. That left a lot of fat on the bottom of the grill. Somehow, all that fat caught on fire. Somehow, that fire got a little out of control. Maybe David and I should not have blown on it repeatedly and giggled. I think it was the giggling that did it. In our defense, we were trying to burn the hair off our knuckles.

Man. That was a lot of smoke. My eyes hurt.
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