Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, September 20

Ahoy me geriatric hearties!

While internationally September 19th was International Talk Like A Pirate Day, in Japan it was Respect for the Aged Day. Hooray for old pirates! Hooray for a long weekend! Which for Tyler & me means two days off in a row! We celebrated by riding our flashy new bikes about town. It was fun, and not altogether painful. Know why? Because I splurged a bit for a bigger bike with three, count 'em, three, speeds. The extra inch in the frame was worth the money in and of itself, but I didn't think the extra gears would matter much because the terrain around our apartment is pretty flat. But man, what a difference they make. Now I feel bad that Tyler's bike can't go all fast too. Plus my bike is better because it's red.

There's another national holiday on Friday for the equinox, but I don't know if that one will have anything to do with bikes.

How come no pics of Carla? I'm beginning to think Tyler killed and ate her and just assumes her identity in these posts.
Prove to me she's alive.. mail me her thumb!
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