Monday, September 5
Soggy Odds
When I talked with Ry the other day, he asked me if sushi in Japan is better than sushi in, say, Vancouver. I told him my tastes weren't refined enough to really detect a difference in taste, but that there was a lot more variety here. Last night we ate at a place that proved me more right then I ever dared dream. Of course, I forget the name of the place. But if you come to visit us, I totally remember how to get there.Let me see if I can remember some of the more interesting sushi. There was corn sushi, that was odd, and the corn tasted old. Fried chicken sushi, which was nice and onion-y. Pastrami sushi, which was probably my favourite sushi of the evening. An unidentified yellow sushi that tasted bad and had a worse texture, that was my second least favourite sushi of the night. My least favourite was the meatball sushi, the meatballs tasted as if it was illegal to spell the word 'meat' properly in describing the dish. The mayonnaise didn't help. Oddly enough, the hamburger sushi was just fine, Carla didn't much care for the ketchup. It was a dining experience.
We bought a bike.
When I was on the phone with mom, she said she wanted to see a picture of the two of us. Well, we don't much like having our photos taken, but I do kinda like this one.

While I'm posting picture, let me show you this:

It's a refresh drink. What's so refreshing about this drink? you may ask. I'll let the bottle's blurb explain...

That's right, Skal is skim milk soda. But they don't use just any milk. Oh no! They use only the freshest milk. And then they ferment it. As we speak Japanese food scientists are working desperately to produce carbonated sour cream.
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