Wednesday, December 21
Carla is back. Has been back for a while. I meant to blog a bit more in her absence. But I didn't. I'll try to catch us all up. Yay!Whilst Carla was gone I was invited out to a day of Japanese culture. There was singing and dancing and beautiful costumes and instruments and suck. This went on for five hours. We stayed for two. There is such a thing as too much culture. And in this day and age culture is not something to waste. And it would have been a waste of culture if we had staid any longer. Our brains could absorb no more culture.
After the culture we went for pizza. I only mention that so I can mention this: as I was picking up a couple slices from the buffet, a little Japanese boy decided to try out his English on me. "Eh... to..."(the Japanese equivalent of 'ummm...") he said, "I like this one." as he picked up a slice with tuna and corn on it.
"Me too!" I said and gave him a thumbs up. He squealed with delight and ran away.
What else? My University job is done for the year. Maybe I'll be working there next year, maybe not. Who knows. The kids seemed to like the classes.
I know there was more to mention.
I have to dress up as Santa all week. I don't mind the constant sweating. I don't mind the pig kids jumping on my lap. I can deal with all that. I can cope. It's the beard. Not the fact that I cough up white furballs at the end of every day. No. It's where the elastics hook around my ears to keep the whole thing anchored in place. I cuts into my ears and bends them into uncomfortable positions. My ears are throbbing as I type this. Only three days to go!
I'm looking forward to coming home, but I ain't gotten enuff Carla yet. I'se gonna miss dat gurl.
Monday, December 12
Every third Monday, they have a film screening at the Blarney stone in Umeda. One of the films tonight was The House Where Evil Dwells. I remembered this film from back when I used to switch graveyard shifts at CK. We aired it at least once. I remember this, and I say this with no embarrassment at all, because there was nudity and lots of blood. That's good late nite TV.What I had completely forgotten about was the crabs.
Y'see Theo: there was this Japanese lady who had a Japanese husband who had a Japanese friend and a Japanese sword. The wife slept with the friend and the husband killed them both. Many years later an American family moves in and spooky stuff happens. People get possessed. Possessed people have horrible kung fu fights. A scary face appears in some soup!
And the family's daughter gets terrorized by crabs. Giant, screaming, evil, tree climbing crabs. When the little girl started climbing the tree to get away from the crabs, I was all like, "Man I hope those crabs climb that tree." And then they did. And then I applauded.
Friday, December 2
We haven't posted in a while.Maybe you've noticed.
Mayhap you haven't. Maybe you've been busy. Christmas is coming up. Stuff like that. Christmas is almost here in Japan as well. Odd how that works. So Carla and myself have been busy preparing for Christmas. Buying presents. Talking about cleaning up the apartment. Getting ready for our flights home. Stuff like that.
In fact Carla is, as I type this, up in the sky somewhere. Soon to be touching down where you are. If where you are is Regina.
I remain here. Typing.
And coughing.
I've been sick for over a month now. It is not very well. I should probably see someone about this. Preferably someone who understands English. That'd be nice.