Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, April 20

Cherry Blossoms

This is the time on Sprockets when we appreciate the delicate pink blossoms. Except not. The weather has not been nice. The one day where we actually went to a hanami (flower viewing party), the sun was obscured by all the dust in the air. Hella-windy. It's been windy a lot lately. And rainy. So the delicate blossoms have been ripped off the trees. Oh well. Maybe next year.

Our campus here has some cherry trees down by the language building, so I get to walk by them every other day. Seeing them really makes me want to take a trip. Generally this is a real nice time of the year isn't it? It's a pity you were not able to go see them (well, more like they wern't there when you were I guess).
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