Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, March 30

Some stuff happened, I guess

Well. Well, well, well, well, well. I haven't posted anything in a loooong time. I'd like to say it's because nothing much has been happening, but that's not exactly the case. In December I flew back to Canada, and Tyler flew back to Canada, and just last week my parents were here in Japan. They managed to blog about their trip (read it here), so I guess one post from me shouldn't be too much to ask. I guess.

Ummm, let's see... what do I remember from four months ago? I was back in Canada for the first half of December. While I was there, Regina had a cold snap, a chinook, and a snowstorm, so I figure I got all my weather bases covered. There was early-Christmas-ing, and lots of good food, and lots of leftover pizza and turkey.

I felt pretty good the first night I landed, no signs of jet lag or anything, but the next morning I woke up sick and miserable and stayed that way for the rest of my visit. I imagine I caught the cold from poor, sick Tyler before I left Japan, but the extraordinarily dry air of Saskatchewan brought it on full force. Oh my, but it was awful.

I would have liked to lay around and recuperate, but I had shopping to do. Lots and lots of shopping for clothes and shoes that weren't teeny-tiny Japanese sized. And a wedding dress. Fortuitously, I found one in the second shop we tried. And it was on sale. So awesome.

And then, um, I don't really remember what else I got up to. It was four months ago, after all.

But here's a picture of some snow. Said snow made driving very difficult.

And OMG! It's snowing here now! In Osaka! At the end of March! That's practically unheard of. What's going on?

I suppose I'd better post this now, before it gets lost forever amongst my many unfinished drafts. More to come. Who's to say when...

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