Monday, January 23
Hard News
So we haven't updated this thing in a long time. Sorry about that. But after a year in this country, the adventures stop being so adventurous and start just being daily life. It doesn't get any less strange though.This place is strange. The TV is strange. There is a 'celebrity' who is popular on the TV right now. I warn you now not to google his name. His name is Hard Gay. Yeah. He's really popular amongst the young girls. His two main phrases are "Hard Gay desu!" which roughly translates to "I'm Hard Gay!" and "Fuuuuuuuuu!" which roughly translates to "Fuuuuuuu!" It's weird to see and hear 5 year old girls proclaim their Hard Gay-ness. And the thrusting. He really likes to thrust. Which means the 5 year old girls thrust. Off putting.
Hard Gay is a former professional wrestler, clad all in black leather. With studs. Including a really nice hat. And just because all he wears is leather, that doesn't mean he wears all that much leather. His shorts is short.
What does he do, this Hard Gay? My stars, what doesn't he do?
He goes around and does stuff. That's about it. He'll walk into offices and just start thrusting away and shouting "Fuuuuuuu!" I know I shouldn't, but I laugh every time. He just seems so happy!

In other news, we now have a table. All that's left to get is a computer desk and then we will have the full set of "Stuff we won't be able to sell when we move". I'm excited!
Thanks for the update.
Maybe this guy is the equivalent to the "Fonzie" of the '70's. It doesn't take much to be popular, does it.
Maybe this guy is the equivalent to the "Fonzie" of the '70's. It doesn't take much to be popular, does it.
I've had to show this to just about everyone I know, and almost all of them thought he was hilarious. Since I'm the only one of my roommates with a working vehicle now, every time I have to chauffuer one of them to work I like to yell "Hardo Gay Taxi Desu"
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