Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Sunday, January 7

Past Christmas

Trev and Kim were the first to arrive. I imagine this is what they looked like when they landed.

All lost and alone and scared and such. But Carla was there to pick them up and dry their tears. I wasn't there, as I had to work. And I had to work for the following few days. As did Carla.

Anyhoo, when I got home from work, Trev and Kim were already settled in. Hugs were had. Then we took them out to an izakaya near our place. Beers were imbibed and nibbles were noshed. I took off early to pick up Nate at the bus stop. Two hours later, after the last bus from the airport had come and gone, I returned to the apartment with no Nate in tow.

Not really having a firm grasp of this crazy moon language, it limited our options of trying to find him. So we went to bed.

Just as the sugarplums were getting ready to dance, Nate called Carla's cell. I'm not sure how he got her number. Nate, how did you know Carla's cell number? Nate had made it to Amagasaki, which is only one stop away from us by train. Not that that mattered to Nate, as the trains were no longer running. So we told him to catch a cab to Tachibana. Which he did.

Trev and I met him as he exited his cab. We all retired to the pad where he regaled us with tales of his Asian adventures and plied us with nice looking brand name knock offs.

Then we all went to sleep. That was our first day.

Both Carla and I worked for the next couple of days, so the kids got up to their own misadventures. Here are some pictures.

That up there is obviously a belly dancer. There are not all that many places in Osaka that have belly dancers. There were also pictures of strange white people that we've never met before. Nate, just what did you get up to in our absence?

Also, they all went out for okonomiyaki at some point.

That'll do fer now, I reckon.

Here's one of my favourite pictures from this lovely friend filled Christmas. Nate took it, hence his not being in the picture.

Thanks guys for being great hosts! Please say Hi to my friend Uniqlo for me, and tell her I miss her already.
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