Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, October 11

The Weekend What Was

Woke up at 6 in the morning on Sunday with a splitting headache (I don't get headaches), a burning throat and an inadequate sense of balance. The room would not stop spinning long enough for me to fall asleep.

Saturday (and Friday and Sunday) was the 10th annual International Beer Summit (slogan: "Let's Beering!"). This was the third year that we attended. This is the first time that I blacked out. I blame the Americans.

Seriously. They just kept buying us beer. In fact, that is the last thing that I remember. Tom, Jordan and Pov were over from Korea for the weekend, taking a break from "Keeping an eye on Kim Jong Il." Here's something I never knew about people in the military: they can drink.

Who knew?

This is Pov with a bunch of girls who were passing by. Pov was easily the most histrionic of the bunch. Especially amusing were his recounts of time spent in Germany. If the picture didn't tip you off, the guy looks like an Aryan Matt Damon on steroids. "Ver ar you frum?' the Germans would ask him, "You look..."
"I'm Polish." he would reply.
"I don't sink so," they would respond, "You are Germa-"
"POOOOOOOOLLLLISSSSSSSSHHHHH!!" he would interject, slowly and loudly.

They were quite entertaining drunks, not that they seemed drunk. They probably weren't. They just drink a lot. I, myself, was not all that drunk until I blacked out. After that, I don't know what happened. That's not quite true, I have pictures of my lost time. But they frighten and confuse me.

Who are these people?

I also took a movie of my walkabout. It would seem I just kinda took off. People kept calling me and trying to find me but the most they could get out of me verbally was English-ish grunts of confirmation.

Luckily I found my way home. And into bed. But not before leaving my clothes all over the apartment. And I put some of Carla's clothes in the shower. Kids, Don't do what Donny Don't Does.

This all took place well before 11 at night. We started early.

The next day was pretty laid back. We got out of the apartment at around 5:30. We over to David's for some delicious curry (Lotus root is a nice addition) and what not. The what not did not include drinking.

Monday was a National Holiday, but not Thanksgiving. They don't believe in thanks. I think it was Sports Day. But we treated it as Thanksgiving. Well, we tried to. Last year, there were plenty of places offering Thanksgiving dinners. There were none that we could find this year. We settled for a Tex Mex place. It was tasty, and we ate a lot of it.

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