Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, September 11


Today was our first trip to Costco since we got back. Still full of large foreigners and screaming children of all nationalities. I had forgotten how big the frozen food section was in Costcos in Canada, the one here is puny and pathetic. That's what you get for living in a country without freezers, I guess.

But that's not why I'm writing. I'm writing because someone from Costco called us. He called to tell us that one of the things we were having delivered (we didn't take our bikes today. It was supposed to, and did, rain and someone is constantly sabotaging my bike. Always stealing stuff from it or throwing garbage on it. At the moment my rear tire is completely flat. But that's not why I'm writing) was scratched.

You see (Theo), Carla had found a cookbook all about vegetables. Being the son of Tom and Jerry, I never really learned what to do with vegetables. Other than have them go bad in the fridge. There was only copy of the book there, and it was banged up. But still perfectly usable, all the words were still in the right order.

But the dude readying our delivery saw fit to check with us that it was okay that they ship us damaged goods. He was very polite and apologetic.

Dunno if that would happen back in the land of deep freezes.

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