Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, June 21

A Call To Booze

I hope that most of y'all have received your invites by now. And I hope y'all like 'em. It's less than two months 'til we get hitched, so now's as good a time as any to start thinkin' 'bout hooch. What do you guys want to drink? What are your libational preferences? Please be specific. What brands? How much? Stuff like that there. Thankee sai.

Also: we make no guarantees.

hey tyler and carla!

we got our invites this week (i am speaking on behalf of the burrows family), so thank you. just wanted to say hey, and this is the first time i've read your blog. i'm not sure why, as i kept hearing about it from ry and my parents, but i am thoroughly enjoying it and you are making me want to go to japan (of course clarke would love this too). well, i always wanted to go to japan, but sausage and ketchup doritos? that just clinched it.

anyhoo, thanks for the invite, and as far as libations go i'm into beer. clarke likes gin, although he's prepared to not have any considering most people do not drink gin.

see you soon! and keep posting you slack-ass!

love leanne (and clarke, and baby julian)
Beer is good for me too. Maybe some rye. Sue and I were thinking of coming to visit somewhere around christmas time, that is if you will be there. Do you have plans to be somewhere else?
Vodka = Skyy
Tequila = Cuervo Gold

Skyy is the same price as crappy vodka.

Tequila is for shooting and Gold is for not puking.

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