Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, May 16


Huh. We had a whole week off, yet we managed to blog not a once. And that was two weeks ago. We're getting kinda lax.

So, what happened two weeks ago? Well, one of our friends turned 30. As luck would have it, one of his favourite DJs was playing a gig that very night. So we went and saw Digweed. It was good. The night before that, we went to Kishin's (the birthday boy's) house to try and mix our own Stongbulls (those fabulous Hub drinks). The night after Digweed we had a bar-b-q over at Darrelle's (a girl from Regina, how crazy is that?).

Our whole week off went on like that. Our mornings were spent recuperating from the night before. We slept until one of our phones woke us up. On the other end of the phone was always someone wanting to go out. One of the least relaxing vacation weeks I've ever had. Good times.

But we had planned on finishing our wedding invitations during that week. Didn't happen. So this weekend past we really buckled down. Spent all Saturday working on them. Everyone we know called us at some point that day, asking us to come out. We remained focused on our goal. Sunday, pleased with ourselves, we set off for a big flea market. The market is on almost every weekend out at the old world expo grounds.

We picked a weekend where it wasn't on. In it's stead: children's marching bands.

Luckily, there is also an amusement park out that way. It was good fun. Been a while since any of us rode any rides. After that, we all went out for yaki-niku. Delicious. We tried some new stuff this time, mainly seafood and garlic. It was all good. After that: karaoke!

Busy weekend. Of course, I forgot to bring my camera.

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