Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, April 24

V for some word that starts with V and means really frickin' awesome!

Virulent isn't it. That means really frickin' contagious.

If you can't tell from the title, we saw V for Vendetta today. It was our reward for working hard on our wedding invitations. They will be coming. Some day.

The movie was good. But not so good as to cause me to faux swear. Close, but no. The family friendly profanity is proffered upon this. It's a hyper violent super cute sprite based game based animation not based on a real game. That's the best way to describe it, I reckon.

Hmm... maybe I shouldn't have posted that link on this page. It is kinda violent. It's very cartoonish violence. It's also very strange. Christopher Walken strange. But both Carla and I love it, so heck, we'll spread the love. Enjoy.

in honour of your wedding invitations being started I give you this link.
I hope you like it.
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