Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, September 17

Weekend Update

This weekend turned out to be a bit busier than we thought it would be. We had planned on cleaning up the apartment and maybe taking in a showing of Death Proof. We did neither. Instead we saw Sukiyaki Western.


Here's a trailer. It starts off slow, and there is a lot of Japanese text, but it is totally worth it.

They're totally speaking English! You may not believe me, but it is true. And it is hilarious! And serious and gross and touching and just crazy go nuts bizarre. I don't want to go into too much detail, I don't want to ruin anything but at the same time I want to talk about everything. But I won't. Not here.

But the dude in white with the sword and the pretty eyes and hair totally reminds me of Ry.

The next day we celebrated Mexican Independence Day. It's not an actual holiday in Japan, but it is an excuse to drink and eat Mexican. Like most excuses to eat and drink, the Sky Building in Umeda was the place to be. We were a bit let down by the lack of variety of food and drink. There were only two food stands. There were way more drink stalls but they all had the same drinks.

The food from the actual Mexican place, Taco del... something, was pretty good. First time I've ever eaten Cactus. But the food from the "Mexican Hotdog Stand" was...

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm feeling wordy.

That's a Japanese hotdog (imagine an American hotdog but less tasty and more chewy) covered in Japanese chilli (beans in brown ketchup).

Doritos with mild salsa from a can and processed nacho cheese.

If I was Mexico, I would sue that vendor for... something legal sounding.

There was also some Tequila. And a drunken stumble to a Mexican restaurant.


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