Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, December 28

It had to happen eventually

We've had great weather so far on this trip, but it was only a matter of time until we got rained on (maybe even eventually snowed on). We purposely didn't pack umbrellas to save space and weight. This being Japan, we figured we could easily buy some cheap ones from a convenience store if the time ever came that we needed them. Well, we sure wouldn't have minded having some umbrellas today, but this morning on the way to the train station there was nary a combini to be found. How can such a big station not be anywhere near a convenience store? Honestly! There weren't any cafes open to serve us breakfast, either. Except Starbucks, but that certainly doesn't count.

Happily, when we got off the train in Kotohira, there was a bucket of umbrellas free for the taking just siting beside the exit. And no, we didn't just swipe some poor station employees' umbrellas while they were working; they really were free for the taking. Those umbrellas kept us dry all day, then we dropped them off at the station before we caught our train home.

Sometimes, Japan is awesome.

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