Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, September 30

Not being fluent is exhausting

Unfortunately, I couldn’t see much last night because it was dark and rainy and I was too nauseous to look out the windows most of the time, but today I can confidently tell you that everything you’ve heard about Japan is true. All commercials are crazy, it is very easy to get lost, there are indeed lots of bicycles, and people are allowed to smoke pretty much anywhere. Okay, that might not be everything you’ve heard, but that sure what it felt like as we were wandering around this morning.

And wandering was pretty much what we did. I had all sorts of plans for being productive today, but a lot of the things we wanted to do were dependent on our being officially registered as aliens (to the Japanese, we’re aliens, that’s foreigners to you and me). We were advised not to bother until we have a more permanent residence, so the new plan is to look for one of those in the next few days.
The one thing I did accomplish was the purchase of a power adapter. My laptop is happily charging as I type this. At least, I hope it’s happily charging. It may actually be ready to explode. Maybe I should take it off my lap...

As for yesterday’s typhoon, it passed through during the night and neither of us really noticed. Some places in Japan were pretty badly flooded, but everything around here seems to be fine.

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