Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, October 25

Good news

I got a job today. It's only part time, so I'm still looking, but it takes a bit of the pressure off. And as far as part time jobs go, this one seems pretty sweet. I don't really have to teach anything, just lead conversations in English. The topics are even provided for me. The pay is good, I don't have to dress up, and I don't have to ride herd over groups of children. The people who run it seem really, really nice. Yoko is a fashion designer and really seems to want to expose me to Japanese culture. I feel terrible for forgetting his name already, but the other Japanese person there is a professional shogi (that's Japanese chess) player. I guess he's been on TV and everything.

Tyler's got an interview coming up this week, too. With any luck, we'll be sitting pretty by the end of the month. Then we'll be able to afford our evolving karaoke habit.

Getting paid to make conversation! Hey I want a job like that! Mom
Hey Mom, how are you doing these days?
PS: You owe me five bucks.
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