Wednesday, November 24

We forgot to mention something about our karaoke excursion. After the izakaya, we were all standing around discussing what to do. I espied a Canadian flag a little farther down the way. So I went to go investigate. I was poking about when an old, heavy-ish woman of Asian decent in a very blue jacket with a very big mole came up to me. "Can you speak Japanese?" she asked me in Japanese. "A little." I replied, also in Japanese. "Good." she said and then grabbed my by the arm and started to drag me into an alley, all the time saying to me (in English), "You'll like this place. It's nice. It's clean."
Needless to say, I was a little freaked out. "I have to go back to my friends." I pleaded in my native tongue, "They're waiting for me. We're going to karaoke." I had managed to break free by this point, but the word karaoke caused her to lunge at me anew. I scampered back to the safety of the herd. When they heard of my encounter, they decided that they had to check it out. So back we all went. Blue jacket lady was very happy to see such a large group. She launched into her spiel again, this time in Japanese. So the Japanese people in our group decided to check out the Canadian bar. Which is where the woman was trying to drag me earlier, she was just taking me to the side door. A couple of them took one look in the front door and then turned around and told the rest of the group that we were leaving. I don't know what they saw, I was hiding from mole lady.

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