Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, December 21

They Hit Me With A Truck

Today was a pretty good day. I thought the cute girls in the office how to swear creatively and with gusto. And I got paid to do it. One of the girls made me some niku jaga, which is like the Japanese version of stew. It was very good, but not near as good as Jerry's stew. It made me homesick. Then I went and played around with kids all day. I am beloved by Japanese children. I had to go back and revisit some of the kids because they called up the teacher I was teaching with and told her to tell me that they had gifts for me. That is pretty freakin' awesome. Some kid I taught for 45 minutes felt compelled to make me a card and some origami. The teacher I was with was also a real sweetheart. She laughed at nearly everything I said. I played peekaboo, in Japanese, with an adorable 3 year old boy. I had a delightful dinner with Carla and then we retired to our apartment to watch some The Brak Show, Futurama, and Venture Brothers. Days don't get much better.

The only real downside to the day was this: I asked my co-teacher what she thought about teaching for the Bing Bang Boom Club. She said she loved it but was going to quit it in the new year. I asked her why she would do that if she loved it so much. She said it was because she was getting married, as if that was an answer. And I guess to her it was. That's a little messed up.

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