Saturday, December 18
Panda Panda Panda Panda Pan Panda
We haven't had the chance to mention this yet, so I'll mention this now: there are a lot of bikes here. Okay, we've mentioned that before, but have we mentioned the fact that everyone rides them on the sidewalk? Not slowly? They do. Got to be on your toes all the time, or else you might lose them. The only way you'll hear a cyclist coming is if they do have to brake. And then you'll REALLY hear them. Japan must have some kind of ban on grease or something, cuz man those things squeal. More than me when Sev slammed my fingers in the door at the cabin and the door latched. Ear splitting, eye watering shrieks. Not good.
But you have to admire the Japanese's mastery of the bike. They weave in and out of pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic with ease. I've never seen a bike accident. Given the amount of bikes I see, that is pretty remarkable. A lot of times, it isn't just one person riding on that bike either. More often than not, there are two people on that bike. Three if a small child is involved. And most of the time the second person is standing on pegs sticking out from the centre of the rear wheel. Most often they hold on to the person in front of them, but I saw one guy standing on the back of a bike with his hands in his pockets as his friend weaved the bike through the varied traffic. That takes talent.
Bike riding is a talent I haven't really ever had. Even back when I used to sometimes ride a bike. It's been a while since I've ridden a bike. I mention all this bike stuff because my job sometimes requires me to ride a bike to and from different student's houses. I am now even more in awe of the Japanese people's ability to not crash their bikes into things. I usually have nice, big, wide, fairly empty streets to ride on and I still have trouble not hitting things. To be fair, some of the cars that I almost hit surprised me by sneaking up on me on a bike path.
I had forgotten that I like riding bikes. It's just one of the myriad things that I am not any good at but like anyways. I like seeing the surroundings pass by at a faster rate than when I walk. But then again, it's much harder to take a decent picture on a bike. I can't stop, man, I've got students to teach. They don't give us much time to get between houses.
The other thing that riding bikes has made me notice is that it's getting colder. I had noticed the chill in the air before, but having to cycle through the cold, wet air makes you appreciate it on a different level.
Also, while we are talking about my job: Japanese children are SO CUTE!!!!
And thanks to Mom, Jerry and Sev for sending us a Christmas care package. You guys rock!

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