Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, October 11

Bloody Vikings!

We've been seeing a lot more comment spam on the site lately. We went from 'none' to 'some' practically overnight. We're getting a bit tired of deleting them everyday, so we've turned on word verification for our comment pages. That means that any time you wish to lavish us with extravagant praise for one of our many brilliant posts, you'll have to retype a string of characters from a distorted image on the page so that the site knows you're a real person and not some sort of evil spam bot. I'll admit, the Captcha isn't terribly complex, and probably ridiculously easy to circumvent, but hopefully it's enough to keep the spam volume down to less than one a day. Hopefully.

We did keep this comment simply because, for no apparent reason, it's in French. It's still spam, but French spam. Oh la la!

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