Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, June 6

Mystery Guest

Darren and Sue stopped by a bit ago, Sev left not too long ago, but we had one other house guest that I keep forgetting to mention. Well, that ends... now!

This little fellow snuck in whilst I was bringing in the laundry. I was a bit surprised when I turned around and saw him there. I managed to herd him back out fairly easily. But as soon as it was gone I felt lonely. He was a cute little lizard and he will be missed.

Just curious - how big was this lizard? It's hard to tell in the photo.
Mom S.
Tyler did you get your glasses fixed? Lynnette
The lizard was in no way large enough to destroy a major Japanese city. I doubt it could destroy a single glove, which it could live inside with lots of room to spare.

Also, my glasses are still hella broken. A potent reminder of my stupidity.
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