Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, June 6

One Day, On the Train

I was sitting there on the train, listening to my ipod and looking over my class schedule/list of student names (you try to keep Saya, Saaya, Sae and Sarai straight). When I hear someone ask, loudly, "What are you studying?"

It took a few seconds for my brain to process that someone near me had spoken (loudly) in English. Eventually, I looked around and saw that the Japanese fellow opposite me was staring. I answered his question.

"Oh." He said. Loudly. Then he continued to talk to me, loudly. I answered his questions as quickly and quietly as I could.

This guy had a very loud, plaid sports jacket. Almost as loud as the man himself.

Then from somewhere else on the train, someone said, "Please be quiet!"

So he stopped asking questions and I went back to my ipod.

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