Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, March 30

Tokyo the Second

So we did all wake up real early and catch a cab out to the world famous fish market at Tsukiji. Well, famous in the sense that all the guide books mention it. And it was well worth seeing. We got there at about 5:30 in the morning and the place was bustling. We were there to see the fish auctions, but it took a while for us to find them. We wandered past multiple stalls, selling all sorts of things from the sea. I tried using my meager Japanese to find out where what we were looking for was.

Eventually we found it. Us and other foreigners. I don't know about all the other gawkers, but we felt a bit in the way.

There were tonnes of workers and vehicles zooming all over the place, you had to be aware of your surroundings. Not the easiest thing to do so early in the morning. Anyhoo, fish pics!

After we snapped our picks of the big, dead sometimes frozen fish we wandered off into the morning. We found a sushi place that had a couple seats free, so in we went. We figured we wouldn't get it much fresher. And we were right. It was delicious. Really, really good. I'm not usually a big fan of sashimi, which is just the raw fish without any rice or such, but I devoured it that morning. The only bad part was when I ate the natto roll. And I ate it last. Not so good.

Luckily, Japan is a land where you can go into a convenience store, buy whisky for 2 bucks and burn any bad taste out of your mouth.

We managed to find our way home and crashed for a bit. Then Carla arrived and off we set. We wandered around and did stuff. I don't have the best of recall. I believe we split up. Trev and Ben looked at toys. Nate and Kim went shopping for clothes and sight seeing. I looked at video games.

I think we did that for a couple days. Setting out together, splitting up, then getting back together for dinner.

Maybe I should just look at the pictures and figure out what we did.

Oh yeah! Nate took a picture with a cute thing.

That is a maid from a maid cafe. Maid cafes were all the rage a couple years ago and are still going somewhat strong. They are cafes where all the wait staff dress up as maids and serve you. Really serve you. And I don't mean that in a dirty way. I mean that they are super duper polite and subservient. These things cater mainly to geeks and geeks aren't used to cute girls (or any girls) being polite to them.

I believe that it was me, Carla, Ben and Trev who actually went into one of the maid cafes. You're not allowed to take photos in such establishments, but Carla's coffee was too cute not to capture.

Ben and I ordered somewhat less fancy coffees. Still kinda fancy, one of the maids squeezed whipped cream into my mug.

Here's some more food related pictures. This first one is a big piece of meat on a stick. And me.

This is a curry house with a somewhat unpleasantly suggestive name.

The picture adding is going slowly, so howzabout I stop now and talk about our dinners later? Good?


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