Monday, March 5
Bright, Sun-Shiney Day
What a fantastic weekend. Actually, it's been a good couple of weekends. We finally met up with L'il Kim's friend Liz and her boyfriend, Eric. We went out to Shitennoji Temple, and the garden within. It was a nice day, and the garden was kinda pretty in a not yet blooming sort of way.
We wandered around the garden for a bit, snapping shots here and there. Then we just kinda wandered around, showing them the sights. Most of which they had already seen. They had not, however, seen robot fights.
Which is what we saw as we wandered through Den Den town. A bunch of robots and a bunch of men with remote controls controlling the robots. It was a hoot to watch.

The evening ended at Go En, the yakiniku place we drag everyone to. Liz and Eric are new in town, they haven't found work yet, it was our civic duty to show them one of the cheapest places to eat and drink in Osaka. And they'll need it, that Eric can put it away. He served time in Ireland, man, he knows things. It was all Jon and I could do to keep up.

A good time was had by all. I hope. I really should get back in touch with them kids.
So that was a pretty good weekend. No offense to Liz and Eric, but this one just past was even better. It might have had something to do with the weather. Saturday was pretty nice. We went out with Michiko who we haven't seen since last year. We went to the Brazilian place. The one where they keep bringing you meat until you tell them to stop. The place where Jerry would spend all of his time in this country. I, literally, ate until I wept. There was no space left in my body, the meat squeezed everything out. So, so good.
So good.
I was not feeling so good afterwards. It took me a while to fall asleep, and longer to wake up. Ben rang us up and asked us out to a big flea market. We weren't feeling so crash hot and were looking to ditch. But then we checked the weather, it told us high of 20. That's Celsius. We were ready in a flash and out enjoying the sun at Banpaku faster than we thought possible.
Banpaku and Expoworld are a bit of a hike away. They sit on the site of the world expo from years and years ago. And there is something else that sits on that site. Something sinister.

That there is the Tower of the Sun, erected in honour of the 1970 Expo. Japan, a country whose main export is cute, decided that this massive monstrosity that has been scientifically proven to creep out even unborn babies and the deceased would be the best way to welcome the world to their country's Expo.

I just don't get it.
It's creepy from behind too.

So we poked around the flea market for a couple of hours, enjoying the sun and each other's company. I didn't buy anything. A guy my size isn't their target audience. Carla bought a hat. When she tried it on the young folk manning the stall broke into applause. They's crafty. She also got a big brown scarf for free with the hat purchase. I take it the warm clothing wasn't doing so well on the twenty degree day. She also got some postcards and some buttons. And a plate.
Ben bought some stuff as well, but I don't think he can leave a flea market without something.
After the flea market, we wandered through the area of the park filled with plum trees. They are in bloom right now, so the joint was jumping. Everyone was taking pictures, so we did too.

That Tower of the Sun, man, you can't escape it.
It was lovely, the blossoms and the bright, warm sun and the slight, refreshing breeze that blew the blossoms through the air. Just a lovely damn day.

After that we bought some plum wine and headed back home. Ben's home. We ate bento, drank chilled plum wine and DS'd. I don't know if it was the sun or the wine, but we were all looking quite pink by the end of the evening.

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