Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, October 4


Today we braved the mighty electronics shopping district known as Den Den Town. Definitely cheaper than in shopping in a regular store. Not that we bought anything. Well, that's not quite true. We picked up a couple of things in the 5-story dollar store. And we ate a creamy mushroom chicken burger at Wendy's. I didn't even know they had those here. Wendy's, I mean.

On the way back from the subway station, we took a detour through the basement food section of the Hankyu department store. What you've heard is true. They do sell melons here for over $200. We also saw grapes for about $100 and 100 grams of bologna for $10. That may sound kind of dismal, but the store also sells bunches of bananas for about 30ยข. So hey, at least we won't starve. And our diets will be potassium-rich.

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