Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, October 7

Nebulous: Of or Pertaining to Nebulae

I applied for jobs today. I have an interview on Saturday. We’ll see how that goes.

The only other thing of note today was the Chinese food. More like the Chinese food wait-staff. They all wore stained white smocks with big, clumpy, white (stained) rubber boots. They would clear a table or pour someone a drink and then disappear up some rickety stairs. It was like they were splitting their time between waiting tables and working in a slaughterhouse. It was a bit disturbing. At least the food was fresh.

Oh, and Carla had some kind of seafood rice dish. It came with a very small egg of unknown origins placed atop it. She gave me the egg. Of course I ate it. It tasted like a fishy hard boiled egg. With a super fishy squirty centre.

"With a super fishy squirty centre."

Funniest thing I've read in weeks. I fully expect to see this as the tag line for the first Pink film you direct.

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