Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Tuesday, October 5

Spend Spend Town

The internet was very slow this morning, so updating took much, much longer than we wanted. But we got it done!

Today we visited Den Den Town, the electronics district of Osaka. Bigger than I expected. Blocks and blocks and blocks and blocks of stores. You want a cheap rice cooker? You can find it in Den Den Town. Want a three hundred dollar toilet seat? Den Den Town. Scads of videogame shops selling all sorts of things that fill me with desire. Den Den Town.

Seriously, I think someone’s souvenir is going to be a Famicom (Japanese version of the Nintendo Entertainment System) with two controllers and a copy of one of the many River City games that were never released in North America. And Sin and Punishment for me.

Plus it’s nice to see that videogames here can be cheap, you just have to know where to look. There can be a twenty dollar difference between two shops on the same block. Not that I mind browsing. They pump in classic videogame music, plus there are all sorts of playable demos all over the place. I played Resident Evil 4. Very nice looking, but the control could use some work.

See, I could just go on and on, but once again I will cut myself off.

Suffice it to say, there is no way that I am coming home with any money. Just videogames. And maybe debt.

What would you rather spend 100 bucks on? Many videogames or a handful of grapes? Glad you see it my way.

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