Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, October 28

What a waste

Monday evening we decided that we should really go to Kyoto. It's very close to Osaka (about a ¥700, 50 minute train ride) and supposedly has a lot of really amazing old Japanese stuff to see. Tuesday morning we woke up to rain and thought, "Aw, screw it. We'll go Wednesday." Tuesday night we stayed up until an ungodly hour doing really not very much. Just hanging out, or something. Wednesday morning we slept until roughly Wednesday afternoon. The weather wasn't great anyway, so we decided that Thursday would be our Kyoto day. Then we got a call to go out drinking with the folks from Orange House. Couldn't turn that down. We had a very good time and met some very interesting Japanese gentlemen in a pub called the Britannia. One seemed to think he was Mick Jagger. He was hard to understand, but very entertaining. His companion, whose English was more comprehensible, kept mentioning that he was out with his boss. I think that was his Japanese way of apologizing for the other man's behaviour. I wish we had thought to take some pictures. Or better yet, video. I'd hate to forget those two.

Now it's about 4:30 on Thursday morning and we have yet to sleep. Maybe today we'll just do laundry.

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