Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, November 26

It was this, or a McDonald's fried cheese "burger"

I thought I'd never get tired of Japanese food, but just on a whim, Tyler and I ate at an "Italian" café today. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a sandwich so much. The bread was soft, but not too soft, and a little bit chewy. Between the bread was meat that wasn't pork, and crunchy vegetables. Best of all, it didn't involve rice or noodles. Whatever it was that Tyler ordered had noodles, but they were swimming in a cheesy sauce and covered in beautifully browned, melted cheese, or "gratin" if you will. Ooohhh, melted cheese.

In actuality, neither dish was really all that special. But oh man was that nice for a change!

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