Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, November 4


Yesterday was a national holiday here (Culture Day). There were parades & stuff, but we kinda forgot until it was too late. If we didn't need jobs for the money, I think we'd still need them to keep us in touch with the outside world.

To my credit, I did read a book yesterday. It was about Japan and everything. Teaching in Japan, even. It's called Learning To Bow and it just showed up in the lounge the other day, along with a couple of other books that looked interesting. Those other books have since disappeared, which is a shame, but they may reappear someday. If not, Tyler & I have a list of recommended reads as long as our collective arms from David, who used to sell books in Scotland. You know what I like about traveling? You meet people who used to sell books in Scotland.

Also, Bush was reelected yesterday. That makes me sad and angry. Mostly sad.

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