Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, October 29


I haven't written in a bit. Partly because we have not been up to much, but mainly because I am sick. Not sick as in wicked, but sick as in there's a quantum singularity in my nasal cavity that leads to a parallel dimension comprised entirely of snot. It makes me not want to do things. And it makes the things I do do less fun. Still, I should do more.

In fact as I sit here, bundled up against the warmth of our apartment, Carla is out karaoke-ing with a group from Orange House. I thought about going, what with David and Bryan moving out next week, but I've been fighting off this sickness for almost a week now and another night of drinking ain't the answer. Plus tomorrow night is Halloween, so I'll be going out with them then.

Oh, the other thing I can mention, to help pad out this entry is the fact that I recently bought a new game for my Game Boy Advance. Exciting news, I know. The thing is, is that it's a Japanese game. A Japanese role playing game, meaning it is heavy on text. Text that I have to translate. So it's like edu-tainment.
I've only translated the first few pages of the instruction booklet so far, but I'm having fun. And maybe learning stuff.

Let's see... other stuff... I can give shout outs to some people. Congrats to Kim and Dave for having a baby. Congrats to Herperger and Metz on getting engaged. The people who got engaged or born before Carla and I arrived on Japanese soil get no props.

One last thing. I think I may have found Nate's souvenir gift. He'll have to come pick it up though. It's too big to pack and I ain't muleing it.

One more thing, I had a chilli beer during one of our nights of drinking. It was freaking hot! Sweat producingly hot. I produced sweat. It tasted like drinking a hot pepper. Not until I was halfway done the bottle did I notice that there was a fair sized hot pepper floating in the beer. I took a bite of it. It tasted like beer.

OH MY GOD! THAT'S SO SICK DUDE! (the other sick)
I'll be coming in January/February to pick it up. Let me know when a good time is. I figure I'll stay for about a week... -serious-
I used to have ZERO desire to see Japan, but this delightful Blog has turned that idea on its head. I need to see Den Den Town.. I need to eat squishy fishy things..
Maybe I can sucker Trev into coming too. We'll discuss this weekend. Your Mac blew up. Ass.. now I have to figure out how to work a Mac and then how to fix one.
Get well soon my friend.
Oh Tyler I miss you here at work studying your Japanese and showing me how to play games. Hope you are feeling better soon. Say Hi to Carla and I wish I could eat a pepper that tasted like beer. Love the BLOG by the way.
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