Friday, October 29
I haven't written in a bit. Partly because we have not been up to much, but mainly because I am sick. Not sick as in wicked, but sick as in there's a quantum singularity in my nasal cavity that leads to a parallel dimension comprised entirely of snot. It makes me not want to do things. And it makes the things I do do less fun. Still, I should do more.In fact as I sit here, bundled up against the warmth of our apartment, Carla is out karaoke-ing with a group from Orange House. I thought about going, what with David and Bryan moving out next week, but I've been fighting off this sickness for almost a week now and another night of drinking ain't the answer. Plus tomorrow night is Halloween, so I'll be going out with them then.

I've only translated the first few pages of the instruction booklet so far, but I'm having fun. And maybe learning stuff.
Let's see... other stuff... I can give shout outs to some people. Congrats to Kim and Dave for having a baby. Congrats to Herperger and Metz on getting engaged. The people who got engaged or born before Carla and I arrived on Japanese soil get no props.
One last thing.

One more thing, I had a chilli beer during one of our nights of drinking. It was freaking hot! Sweat producingly hot. I produced sweat. It tasted like drinking a hot pepper. Not until I was halfway done the bottle did I notice that there was a fair sized hot pepper floating in the beer. I took a bite of it. It tasted like beer.
OH MY GOD! THAT'S SO SICK DUDE! (the other sick)
I'll be coming in January/February to pick it up. Let me know when a good time is. I figure I'll stay for about a week... -serious-
I used to have ZERO desire to see Japan, but this delightful Blog has turned that idea on its head. I need to see Den Den Town.. I need to eat squishy fishy things..
Maybe I can sucker Trev into coming too. We'll discuss this weekend. Your Mac blew up. Ass.. now I have to figure out how to work a Mac and then how to fix one.
Get well soon my friend.
I'll be coming in January/February to pick it up. Let me know when a good time is. I figure I'll stay for about a week... -serious-
I used to have ZERO desire to see Japan, but this delightful Blog has turned that idea on its head. I need to see Den Den Town.. I need to eat squishy fishy things..
Maybe I can sucker Trev into coming too. We'll discuss this weekend. Your Mac blew up. Ass.. now I have to figure out how to work a Mac and then how to fix one.
Get well soon my friend.
Oh Tyler I miss you here at work studying your Japanese and showing me how to play games. Hope you are feeling better soon. Say Hi to Carla and I wish I could eat a pepper that tasted like beer. Love the BLOG by the way.
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