Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, November 1

Cold is the Grave

I know there is stuff I should blog about but I don't really have much to say about said stuff.

Went to a Halloween party on Saturday night. Saw Ben and Chris the Ozzies and some other people from the working holiday office. Lots of people were dressed up. There were a couple witches, a couple cats, a muscle-y guy with curly red hair, and a near naked guy. G-string Jimmy, let's call him. Carla and I didn't dress up. We thought about it, but it was raining out and cold, so we decided to be lazy. Plus I'm still not quite over this stupid cold. I'm getting better though. My snot is firming up. That last sentence might be more information than you need. Maybe you shouldn't read that sentence. You have been warned.

We didn't stay out all that late Saturday night because we had to be up early on Sunday. Early for us. We had to be somewhere be at 9 AM. Carla and I registered for the 6th annual Interpeople Quiz rally. What is the 6th annual Interpeople Quiz Rally? you ask. I'm still not sure myself. I'm sure Carla's entry will be much more informative. All I really feel the need to touch on is my sandwich. A hotdog roll filled with cold fried noodles and topped with scrambled egg. I know it sounds really yummy, but the best part, the thing that really made the sandwich, the little touch that kicked it up a notch as it were, was the hidden ketchup. There was a big glob of ketchup hidden under the egg. My hungover palette was overjoyed at that discovery. Great way to start the day.

A great way to continue the great day is to throw on a sweatshirt even though I was sweating already. Also great was the fact that everyone on my team spoke about as much English as I spoke Japanese. It wasn't as bad as I'm making it sound, I mean everyone tried to have a conversation with me, they all just failed is all. More my fault than theirs.

There was other stuff I remembered to mention, but now I've forgotten it again. Squid on pizza is good. Mayonnaise not so much.

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