Sunday, October 31
The scariest was the man dressed as an exotic dancer

I didn't think Halloween was all that big in Japan, but some people do dress up and have parties & stuff, but there's no trick-or-treating. "If the Japanese aren't into trick-or-treating, how will Carla and Tyler manage to get their hands on bags of tiny, individually wrapped chocolate bars?" you may ask. Well you needn't worry. Nearly everything you can buy in a bag here comes individually wrapped. Especially cookies. Tiny cookies.

Once we'd all been divided into teams, we all assembled for the opening ceremonies, which included calisthenics. Just like in Animal Crossing (a super-cute Nintendo game where all your neighbours are animals). It was kind of surreal. Then we had a series of races where we had to waddle along with all our feet tied together on giant skis. I didn't see what that had to do with quizzes. I guess that was the rally part. We also had to build towers out of beer cans, and race back and forth to fill a bottle of water with a tiny cup. Then there was the quiz part. We walked around the park stopping at checkpoints to answer questions. Surprisingly enough, a lot of the questions were in Japanese. Even once someone would translate a question into English for me, I still wouldn't know the answer. Oh well. At least I got a free shirt. And a couple of other small prizes because the green team came in second. Each one was individually wrapped.
We went a little overboard buying snacks at 7-11 tonight. But we can report that Caesar Salad chips taste mostly like Sour Cream & Onion, Carbonara chips aren't particularly good, and Honey Butter Pretz are horribly addictive. We also tried mochi for the first time. It's a sweet rice cake popular in the fall and winter. Very yummy, even though we bought it from 7-11.
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