Wednesday, December 29
More Christmas Pictures
I was just going to add these into the body of my text, but they didn't really fit. Not that that has ever stopped me before, but they also might need a bit of explanation.
This is a Christmas boat. It was cruising around the Christmas island where all the Christmas lights were. If you can't tell, that's Santa at the helm and a reindeer on the bow.

I just like this picture. I like blur in my photos, I also prefer black and white, so if I'm going to take a colour picture then there better be colour dangit! I especially like the phantom feet at the bottom.

Sometimes my camera just takes pictures like this. I like when my camera takes pictures like this. I deem them happpy accidents. The extra p is for ppicture. That extra p is a typo.

CAT ON BIKE!!! I'm not normally a cat person, but this was just too cute to pass up. So I didn't.
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