Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, December 29

Why we like menus with pictures

Tyler & I have been doing the whole New Year's cleaning thing, so rather than cook in an apartment full of the fumes and vapours of questionable Japanese cleaning products, we ate in some little hole in the wall bar near where we live. The food wasn't terrible, but we did see a lot of bugs. Enough to make us want to leave. Except before we did, we had to satisfy our curiosity about the 焼きウィンナー. "Yaki-winner," we thought, "What on earth could that be?" It was only as the words left my lips that I realized what we had just ordered. Yaki-wieners. Yup. Grilled cocktail wienies. Five of 'em. For ¥400. Wow.

I guess that's funnier if you can read Japanese.

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