Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, October 28

The one where the show turns to crap

I was just thinking that it had been far too long since the last time we posted, but the comfy bed had me in its cuddly grasp and every time I thought about getting up I fell back asleep. And then Tyler went and beat me to it. Posting, I mean. Good for him.

Two other things I'll mention:

The building next door is finally, pretty much, almost done. People are living there now, but there are still a lot of construction guys hanging around. Mostly standing on the street and smoking. The building's got its own website We've been looking at floor plans and peeking in the windows and I totally want to move in there. I think the rent might even be less than what we're paying right now. Except that moving in Japan is stupidly expensive, even if you're just moving next door.

Also stupid: 24. Not season four like everyone else is watching. Season one. We were in Australia when it first aired in Canada, so we've never seen it. Until now. We were enjoying it. We continued to watch it on a regular basis. Until about episode 16. The one that ends with a car exploding in a massive fireball and amnesia. This show didn't just jump the shark. It punched the shark in the nose, rode it to the surface, then jumped over it and fourteen of its closest friends. Whilst on fire. We are now convinced that the series will end with someone waking up relieved that it was all only a dream. Probably some incidental character that we haven't even thought of. Or maybe Bob Newhart.

Plus the cable's been cutting out a lot again lately and that always makes us mad.

Hey - checked out the website. It has an aerial view photo - wondering if this is your neighbourhood. Mom
If you're talking about the photo on the "location" page, then yup, that's our neighbourhood all right. You can't see it because it's not very tall, but our building is just to the right of the bottomm of the train station.

Amusingly enough, you can't see the new building in the photo either.
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