Sunday, June 17
Before We Go
So we're going to be in Regina in just a few scant hours and I figured I should post something.I haven't really talked about Sev's visit, and that is a damn shame cuz we did stuff.
Kishen had a birthday.
Ben, Sev, Darren, Sue and I went to Kobe to see K-106. They rocked, funkily. After the gig, as we were enjoying the soup, all the members of the band came over and talked to all of us. When they found out that Darren and Sue were newlyweds, they freaked. Darren and Sue left with Cds and a shirt signed by the band.
We had a pizza party, where everyone made their own pizzas. My creation? A potato salad pizza. It was a hit!
I really should carry my camera with me more often.
We went to Kobe (again) and stumbled across some kind of steak and wine celebration. Also at this celebration? Scads of samba dancing cuties dressed in not much at all. Sev and I were invited to dance with them. Good times.
What else?
That is a cheezu aspara dog. A cheese (and ketchup and mayo) covered hotdog, said dog having been hollowed out and stuffed with asparagus.
Wednesday, June 6
Mystery Guest
Darren and Sue stopped by a bit ago, Sev left not too long ago, but we had one other house guest that I keep forgetting to mention. Well, that ends... now!One Day, On the Train
I was sitting there on the train, listening to my ipod and looking over my class schedule/list of student names (you try to keep Saya, Saaya, Sae and Sarai straight). When I hear someone ask, loudly, "What are you studying?"It took a few seconds for my brain to process that someone near me had spoken (loudly) in English. Eventually, I looked around and saw that the Japanese fellow opposite me was staring. I answered his question.
"Oh." He said. Loudly. Then he continued to talk to me, loudly. I answered his questions as quickly and quietly as I could.
This guy had a very loud, plaid sports jacket. Almost as loud as the man himself.
Then from somewhere else on the train, someone said, "Please be quiet!"
So he stopped asking questions and I went back to my ipod.